Can 5-Minute Meditation Give You a Quiet Mind and Change Your Life Forever?

Can 5-Minute Meditations Give You A Quiet Mind and Change Your Life Forever?

Peace like the sound of the waves crashing on the seaside
What exactly is meditation? It seems that so many people nowadays are hooked up with this form of activity. By definition, meditation is often used to describe the individual's state of intense attention on an object of awareness or thought. The individual tries to turn his or her attention inward. Meditation is said to be of Vedic Hinduism origin. This is usually practiced in the eastern religions but now even the western culture is already involved in such activity.

People want to practice meditation so that they can focus their mind to God for their personal development, to attain peace of mind, and to be healthier.

Almost every individual who starts with anything new to him or her will often have lingering questions, hopes, and doubts about it. There are even people who hopes that when they begin to meditate, they will be enlightened. Or perhaps you're one of those individuals who think that meditation is just like an exercise or diet that you've been trying to do for the past few months. But these things are normal; so don't be surprised if you're also like that.

The best thing to do is to face all the positive and/or negative expectations, and after doing so, forget about them and start with a clean slate. If you want to try the 8-minute program of meditation, you should learn how to approach it one minute at a time.

While many people think that meditation is a simple practice, then you'd better think twice. You might not notice it, but your mind is always racing from here to there. You can't concentrate. According to the book's author, you must watch your breath. This is the very first step to meditation. Do your inhalation and exhalation by breathing deeply. If you always do this and just keep on practicing, you can become good in meditation. 
As a word of reminder, if you catch yourself thinking about other things, or in other words your mind strays off, focus again on your breathing. After all, meditation is all about concentrating and if you realise that you're not on the right track, you can always return to that state of mind gently. Don't get discouraged easily and just keep on practicing. There is a popular saying that says practice makes perfect; so always keep that in mind. If you quit easily, then you will remain a quitter. 
Meditations are great with incense to freshen the air and help you fall into deep relaxation. Discover our online meditations here
