How Small Choices Lead To Big Changes!

How Small Choices Lead To Big Changes

Small lifestyle changes can have a big impact and increase your chance of living a longer life. A lot of people don’t start taking care of themselves until their doctor utters some fateful words, likely along the lines of “You’re out of shape,” or “You’d better start shaping up if you want to make it to your retirement.”

If you want to avoid this awkward conversation, heed this simple advice before a doctor gives it to you. Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy. It can be hard to say no to a can of soda or a larger portion of fries, but resisting these temptations will bring you great benefits. The sooner you start treating your body right, the better your chances of living a long and healthy life. 

In fact, researchers from found that 90 percent of the population could live to be 90 years of age or older simply by making some important lifestyle choices. You can increase your energy levels, maximize your potential at work and sleep better just by eating the right foods, starting with a healthy breakfast. 

It’s true that health is partly determined by your genes, but it’s important to develop healthy habits regardless of your genetic makeup. You can’t change your DNA but you can change your lifestyle. And your lifestyle itself has an impact on your genes! Tom Rath, the author of Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements, is an extreme case of this. When he was only 16, he was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL), which shuts off the gene in charge of suppressing tumors, leading to the growth of cancers throughout the body.

Instead of giving up, the author focused on what he could control: his diet, exercise, and sleep. He learned how to decrease the odds of cancer spreading and has managed to live a long and healthy life. Even if you have a genetic tendency to be obese, for example, exercise & dieting can reduce that predisposition by up to 40 percent.

Similar to how compound interest works. Small investments over a period of time eventually add up and amount to a very large amount of money! That's the same way very small habits practiced regularly over a period of time create very big changes in the course of your life!

So start working towards building a new habit today! Start small & stick to it. After 1 month you will begin to do it without thinking about it! This will also help you with building habits in the future!
