Herbs For Anxiety And Depression - A Safer Choice?

Herbs For Anxiety And Depression - A Safer Choice?

Many of us, perhaps most, will admit to feeling anxious on a regular basis and often even depressed, perhaps due to pressures of work, home life, or any of a multitude of other causes. However, most of us are not clinically depressed or anxious, to the point where our lives and health are affected detrimentally. 

The minority who do find their lives blighted by these conditions can often be found to be suffering from one or all of the following: self-harm and potentially suicidal thoughts, insomnia, lack of sex drive, or too much sex drive, inactivity, tiredness, and lack of concentration. 

Certainly where someone is feeling so anxious or depressed that the medical profession would categorize them as clinically depressed or anxious immediate help should be sought from a professional. However where someone is suffering from a milder form of anxiety then there may be alternatives to the common anti-depressant drugs that often appear to make things worse for less serious cases. Alternative treatments could include herbs for anxiety and depression, although it is always wise to seek medical help before starting any herbal medications, especially if you are already taking any other forms of medication.

Popular herbs for anxiety and depression include St. Johns Wort, Kava, Passion Flower, Ginseng, Turmeric, Ginger, Lime, SAM-e, and many have reported positive benefits from taking these herbs. St. Johns Wort probably has the largest body of supporting evidence and is widely used. Again remember that you should consult your physician before taking any medication, even herbal, and do not take multiple herbal remedies at the same time without consultation with a professional.

Another herb that has a range of benefits is the controversial herb that we all know, cannabis. 

Thanks to the efforts of the media as well as a number of political figures, cannabis these days is mostly viewed as a “gateway” drug, which opens up doors to more detrimental psychoactive substances. And while weed does have certain psychoactive properties, it is not only that – its essence is actually quite helpful and pretty much invaluable for one’s health and wellbeing in general. CBD Is the healthy part of the plant that has a variety of wellbeing qualities, whereas THC is the psychoactive part that is responsible for feeling "high." It is now totally legal to purchase CBD weed in the UK! The weed is legal as long as the THC content is little to none! 

The cannabis plant is a source of many compounds known as cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is derived from the cannabis plant but doesn’t have the ‘high’ effect because it doesn’t contain a cannabinoid known as THC. Since most people associate marijuana with recreational use, the benefits of CBD oil are often. However, a number of studies have talked about the benefits of cannabis oil. Here are some of the facts you need to know.

Benefits At A Glance

CBD can help in managing anxiety to some extent, as it can influence the way the brain reacts with a chemical known as serotonin. Serotonin is connected to mental health, and researchers believe that oil can actually help people who have social anxiety. Cannabis oil also reduces stress and can induce sleep in patients who are dealing with insomnia. It may also help with post-traumatic stress disorder. For the longest time, CBD has been touted as one of the best possible and potent treatments for epilepsy, but more research is needed in this regard. Cannabidiol research has given some hope for patients for sure. Researchers are also looking at the benefits of CBD for neurodegenerative disorders.

There exists a significant problem in taking herbs for anxiety and depression and other ailments, and that is that unlike other medications government and international drug regulatory agencies are not required to test and approve their use. This can mean that drugs could become available that have unforeseen side effects. However many herbs have been used in medical applications for much longer than their modern chemical counterparts and so there exists a large body of admittedly anecdotal evidence backing their medicinal properties. 

The critical point to remember is that there are no guarantees with herbal treatments, and care must be taken to ensure you are not exposing yourself to additional problems and side effects. There is little doubt a herbal substitute for a conventional drug, used in moderation, should provide some relief with less of the addictive dangers associated with prescription meds, but it cannot always be assumed that herbs will be a safer option. Do not assume they are a miracle cure and always take heed of the dosage recommendations.

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