Introducing Our New Green Tea Blends!

Introducing Our New Green Tea Blends!

Green tea is the most essential drink which relaxes your muscles after a stressful day. Its calming and soothing aroma of green tea leaves is so delicate it tells you to stop stressing and give yourself a little break. Green Tea is derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant which is full of nutrients and rich in antioxidants and polyphenol. These antioxidants are called Catechins which mainly help in preventing cancer and many other diseases such as blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.
Green Tea is also known as an anti-aging beverage because of its amazing health benefits. It also regulates the flow of blood pressure and helps regulate glucose level which works as a defense mechanism against type-2 diabetes. 

Feel Fresh Moroccan Mint & Turmeric Green Tea

Green Tea The most refreshing beverage you’ll ever find in your life is our new Moroccan Mint & Turmeric Blend! In Moroccan culture, mint has been the heart of events and social gatherings. Consuming mint and turmeric tea is one of the best ways to reach your daily fluid intake. The combination of these two herbs will bring tremendous benefits to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Peppermint and spearmint are traditionally famous for its digestive properties as it calms the muscles of the stomach. The tingling effect of the mint wakes you up without making you feel drowsy and giving you a calming effect to start your day without feeling nervous or jittery. A sip of mint in Green tea gives you a cooling taste sensation because it has a high level of menthol in it. These infusions in green tea may also have antibacterial and anti-depressant properties.

Turmeric is a dark yellowish spice often used in curries and spices. Turmeric is one of the most healthy and famous for its prompt healing properties. It is rich in antioxidants and strong anti-inflammatory properties which boost metabolism and protect cells. This drink can be your most wanted “detox” for your flat belly goals. Often people find Turmeric hard to absorb when consumed raw or in powder form because of its bitter and subtle taste but blending it with mint and green tea leaves is the easiest way to bring it into your bloodstream and gain its benefits while enjoying its soothing aroma and beautiful blend of mint and green tea. This blend of tea works as a pain reliever and gives you a relaxing and the most refreshing boost you need throughout your day. No need to go to a spa, just sit back and relax while sipping the intense flavors which brings you more towards nature and fulfilling your body needs. To all the ladies out there who’re reading this, I should tell you that sipping this tea can also reduce menstrual cramps. Whoa! You surely need this!

Feel Fresh Jasmine Jade & Ginger Loose Green Tea

What a classic perfection of floral beauty and blossoming sweet aroma of Jasmine flower with ginger that gives you a perfect delicate kick. Blending Jasmine flower with green tea creates a magical elixir that none wants to leave once sipped and touched their taste buds. Besides being delicious, this yummy blend is even beneficial for your health. It has a very subtle taste infused with the warmth of ginger and exotic perfumed aroma of Jasmine flower giving it a refreshingly sweet finish.

This beautiful blend is full of health benefits. Phytonutrients found in ginger commonly named as gingerols contains anti-microbial which may help support a healthy microbiome and also gives anti-inflammatory effect when drunk in tea. Ginger has amazing pain-relieving and preventing properties which may also help in reducing headaches and migraines.

Pure Jasmine jade infused with green tea is highly rich in EGCG which may reduce the risk and prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Jasmine tea is one of the modest forms of caffeine you can have in a daily beverage that helps you focus and stay alert. It helps in forming good bacteria in our bodies. The blend of ginger and jasmine jade with green tea contains rich Catechins which are capable of burning fat and thus works as a weight loss booster. It increases the metabolic rate giving you a jolt of burning fat faster than you ever thought.

Jasmine’s aroma is a mood lifter by simply inhaling it gives relaxation to your mood and normalizes a person’s heartbeat level. As this tea blend is full of anti-oxidants it can improve your skin texture by its anti-aging properties. Have you ever wondered why those Buddha tears leave you to feel so amazing?

Jasmine and green tea are used throughout history for stress relieving and as an antidepressant used in aromatherapy because of its therapeutic properties. If you’re having seasonal flu and cold just grab a cup of Jasmine Jade with Ginger loose green tea, which will soothe your throat and even speed up your recovery when you’re sick. It may prevent cold and influenza because of its antiviral and antibacterial properties.

All you need is a cup of tea either cold or hot, a sip that takes you towards nature. (Click Here To View Our Teas!)  


