What Are Essential Oils And Why Are They Good For You?

What Are Essential Oils And Why Are They Good For You?

If you want to stay healthy, it’s very important to think about alternative methods to boost your wellbeing and take care of yourself. In the past few decades, more and more people started to focus on essential oils, with amazing results. But what are these oils and why are they so important for our society? How can you benefit from them? Let’s find out!

What are essential oils?

We can define essential oils as compounds extracted directly from plants. These oils get to capture the flavor and scent (essence) of a plant. All these aromatic compounds give the essential oil of its unique characteristics. Essential oils are created via distillation or through mechanical methods. Cold pressing is widely used for preparing the most essential oils nowadays. After the extraction process is completed, these chemicals are combined with a carrier oil. The idea here is to create a product that’s very easy to use and which will convey all the desired benefits to the user. 

How do essential oils work?

You will notice that most essential oils are used during a practice called aromatherapy. The idea here is to inhale these oils using a vast range of methods. Despite the fact that they are “oils”, essential oils are not designed to be swallowed in any way. However, you can apply them directly to your skin. 
Most essential oils are directly absorbed via your skin, so you can harness all of their benefits very quickly. One thing to keep in mind here is that some application methods can boost the absorption process, making it faster. Applying heat to certain parts of your body can help with that, which is something to keep in mind. 

Once you inhale the aroma from these essential oils, you will be able to boost the power of your limbic system. That means you will be able to remember things a lot faster, not to mention you can unwind and relax. In fact, one of the main purposes behind aromatherapy and the use of essential oils is to maintain a very good focus and to eliminate stress and anxiety from your life in the best possible way.
Which are some of the most common types of essential oils?
It’s important to note that there are a variety of essential oils you can use. However, some of them stand out because they have benefits that can help during your everyday life. All you have to do is to understand the power brought by essential oils and which one is the most beneficial for you.
Lemon essential oils are great for dealing with headaches, digestion problems and you can also use this for mood improvements
Jasmine is a very good libido booster, and it can also help with childbirth and depression. 
Tea tree oil is very good if you want to enhance your immune system and fight any type of infections
Ylang Ylang essential oil can help you eliminate many skin conditions. It’s very good against nausea and headaches too, which makes it perfect for many daily situations.
Chamomille essential oil can help you relax, boost your mood, and eliminate stress.
Rose oil is also great for reducing anxiety and enhancing your mood naturally. 
Bergamot is a powerful stress-fighting essential oil, and it also has the power to eliminate many skin conditions. 
Sandalwood is very good if you want to boost your focus and calm down your nerves. 
Lavender oil is one of the best essential oils for stress relief.
Peppermint can help you improve your digestion and enhances your energy levels naturally.
What health benefits can you expect from essential oils?

The great thing about essential oils is that based on what essential oil you use, it’s possible to obtain some incredible results. In fact, you can expect the most essential oils to provide you with health benefits like:
  • Eliminating stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Dealing with migraines and headaches
  • Improving your sleep and eliminating insomnia from your life
  • Lowering the amount of inflammation in your body
  • Fighting microbes and bacteria
  • Soothing any skin problems
  • Eliminating many digestive problems

Can essential oils be used outside aromatherapy?

Absolutely, there are many other great uses for essential oils aside from aromatherapy. A lot of people use them to freshen up their laundry and improve their scent naturally. On top of that, many essential oils are used as a natural scent in cosmetics. Also, you can also use essential oils as a mosquito repellent. Some essential oils can even be used to extend the shelf life of various foods. The possibilities are limitless, and it really goes to show the true power of essential oils and how much they can help you during your daily life.

Are there any side effects?

Essential oils are very easy to use, and they are safe if you inhale them or if you combine them with a base oil. You can’t encounter side effects normally, these are rare. But when they do appear, they will appear in the form of allergic reactions, headaches, an asthma attack, or rashes.
How can you pick the right essential oils?
There are 3 main things to focus on when you choose. The most important thing is definitely purity, you want to be certain that you only choose natural, pure oils. Quality is just as important, you want to go with essential oils that are free of any chemicals. Brand reputation is another crucial factor you need to keep in mind.


Essential oils are very helpful if you want to improve your health, eliminate stress, and just unwind after a busy week. They are harmless, although it’s important to talk with your doctor beforehand just to be safe. You can find a plethora of amazing essential oils on the market, you just have to find the right ones to suit your needs or requirements. Give these a try for yourself, and you will be incredibly happy with the results and amazing experience!
