Turn Back Time & Reverse The Effects Of Ageing!

Turn Back Time & Reverse The Effects Of Ageing!

From ancient alchemists to today’s biohackers, humans have been trying to find an elixir of longevity since the beginning of civilization. Most people assume that they’ll live to be eighty and inevitably die from cancer, Alzheimer’s, or another degenerative disease. However, with recent developments in anti-aging science, aging as we know it could be a thing of the past. If you suffer from fatigue or premature aging, or simply wish you had the energy you had twenty years ago, you’ve come to the right place. 

Whether you’re aiming to double your lifespan or retain your health for the next twenty years, the best place to start is to avoid dying. Most of us are familiar with the common degenerative diseases that lead to death, like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart failure. But what many people don’t realize is that by understanding how aging works on a cellular level, we can find ways to avoid these diseases and stay biologically young even while we age, regardless of what genes we’ve inherited from our parents.

Do you feel extremely tired sometimes? Don’t look as youthful as you did ten years ago? Then you’re definitely lacking vitamins & antioxidants! But here’s the good news: You just need to pop some pills and everything will be OK. Right? Well to an extent this is true. Whilst vitamins & supplements are a great and efficient way of replenishing the vitamin levels in the body & in some cases the only solution, this shouldn't be your only strategy.  

Most diseases come to the body when the body is in a state of 

"diss-ease" caused by things like stress, lack of immunity & lack of vitamins. Studies have shown that even things like aging can be significantly reduced through healthy dieting & self-care. That's right, taking care of yourself & your body will make you live longer & essentially reverse the effects of aging! 

Biological aging is caused by mitochondrial degeneration. On a cellular level, aging is related to your mitochondria. Mitochondria are tiny organelles inside your cells that extract energy from the food you digest and create a chemical called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which stores energy for cellular function. They’re essentially the power plant of the cell. As you get older, though, your mitochondria begin to falter. This leads to an increase in reactive oxygen species, also known as free radicals. These damage your cells and cause widespread chronic inflammation, laying the groundwork for degenerative diseases like cancer. Luckily enough, your mitochondria also produce antioxidants, compounds that curb the damaging effects of free radicals. In order to remain young, your body needs to produce as many antioxidants as it does free radicals. However, replacing these antioxidants is easier said than done. If we want to keep our mitochondria functioning well for decades to come, we need to create habits that transform our bodies from the inside out.


A combination of supplements, vitamins, herbs & superfoods is a much better strategy for you to take. Ultimately the best strategy that you can take is the prevention of illness altogether. The vast majority of diseases can be prevented simply through proper dieting & having enough of the right vitamins.  Vitamins taken in concentrated pill form may not have the same effect on your body as vitamins from fruits and vegetables. The NAD+ ( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) in your mitochondria is what keeps them healthy. However, increasing your NAD+ is fairly difficult to do with just diet alone, so that's where supplements come in as they can provide you with NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) the direct precursor. The smartest way to be healthy is by paying a little more attention to your diet. Learn how you can create a balanced diet that gives you everything you need & find the right supplements to add to your diet. Ultimately in some more serious cases though there is no alternative & you should seek a doctor for the right prescription, but the majority of diseases can be prevented & cured through the right diet.

(Guest Feature From DONOTAGE
-Backed By Professor Vera Gorbunova & Other Revered Scientists)
