The Basis Of True Awakening Through Yoga

The Basis Of True Awakening Through Yoga


If you’ve ever hiked up a mountain, you know how tough it can be. Not only is it physically exhausting, but there are also obstacles and challenges along your way to the top.

That is what it’s like when achieving happiness, wisdom, and strength. We should refer to these as the “heights of human potential.”

We may all want to reach these heights. We all want to get to the metaphorical top of the mountain of life, but to get there we have to tread a path of awakening first.

Many religious or spiritual traditions have their own versions of how to climb the mountain of happiness. But all of them seem to follow the same few steps – steadiness, lovingness, fullness, wholeness, nowness, allness, and timelessness. Mastering these seven ways of being leads to enlightenment, otherwise known as full awakening(a higher form of awareness.) Developing a greater sense of fullness, wholeness, or any other aspect of awakening involves three kinds of practice: Let be, let go and let in. Let’s take a look at these one by one.

First up, Let be.

When you start on your path to enlightenment, you may notice a number of thoughts and emotions rising within you. Learning to let be means accepting these feelings as they come, and allowing yourself to feel them wholeheartedly.

Next up is Let go, which means releasing what is painful or harmful. This can take the form of easing tension in your body, venting negative thoughts, or distancing yourself from desires that hurt you or others.

Last is Let in. Once you’ve removed any negative thoughts or emotions, you can replace them with something positive. For instance, you could focus on developing new skills if you’ve not done well on a project, or on becoming more grateful and resilient after receiving negative feedback.

Think of it this way: If your mind is like a garden, you can pull out the fungi & weeds and plant flowers in their place.

So developing a sense of higher awareness of being requires that you experience feelings openly, accept them, and let them be. When you do this, you train yourself to be more mindful, loving, and content. Mindfulness is key to allowing you to elevate your inner frequency.

Another very powerful way of developing a higher sense of awareness of being is through a popular form of yoga, known as Kundalini Yoga. It is so powerful, that it was called the mother of all the Styles of Yoga. This type of yoga awakens the base of our spine which is known as the Muladhara Chakra.

The word Kundalini was derived from kunda which means ìpotî. Kundalini Sadhna is described to be the coiled energy that looks like a serpent which has three and a half coils which are resting at the bottom of the spine. The three coils in Kundalini Yoga are known as the three Gunas which are the Sattva, Rajas, Tamas. The VIkritis represent the half coil.

In anatomy, the kundalini is found in the perineum region of our body. For the males, it is found between the testicles and the rectum. For the female, it is found between the clitoris and the vagina.

Kundalini Yoga is also known as the symbol of equality and power for both genders. The masculine power is known to be Siva and Sakti for the females. They become the elemental source of power and energy when they are united. The union of Siva and Sakti occurs in the brain which gives us the sense of feeling and affection, energy, love. This means Kundalini Yoga is good to eliminate the feeling of sorrow, depression, anger, and jealousy.

Kundalini Yoga gives reward to Yogis who maintain unity awareness and spiritual transformation. The Kundalini produces a hissing sound when it is awakened. It sounds just like a beaten serpent as it goes from the Muladhara Chakra to the Brahma Nadi and to the Sahasrara Chakra.

In 1969, Yogi Bhajan introduced Kundalini Yoga. It includes the practices of the common Mantra, meditation, chanting, breathing and the classic poses. This type of yoga actually focuses more on chanting and breathing. It does not really concentrate on the Kundalini Yoga Poses alone.

If you are curious about Kundalini Yoga, it is good to know the path it takes. One thing you need to understand is the Nervous System and the Spinal Cord. These two are the main focus of Kundalini Yoga. It targets your Spinal Cord and the Nervous System.

The Nervous System as we all know is the main control or the centre of our body. The Nervous System is responsible for the imaginations, thoughts, intelligence and memory that we have. The Nervous System is composed of the brain, the nerves and most especially the Spinal Cord which gives us posture and standing. The Spinal Cord is made up of delicate nerves and tissues that is why we need to take care of it. Kundalini Yoga will be the most appropriate practice for this.

The infamous Kundalini awakening is not that easy to learn. It is also something that we can find or learn in books. If there was, you might be confused or perplexed in learning the process. If you want to master Kundalini awakening, it should be based on experience. After a series of trials and sessions, you will find out that Kundalini awakening took place and it was all because you were just too eager and concentrated to learn it. Now what you have to do is grab that amazing concentration and start working on your Nervous System and Spinal Cord. If you want to stay healthy and maintain a good posture, Kundalini Yoga is just waiting for you to practice it.

Yoga is much more about spiritual well-being than it is physical fitness. Yoga allows you to achieve more balance in yourself and being. When you achieve balance in your body you are able to achieve balance in any area of your life. Yoga can have a great positive impact in your life.
