Matcha Tea & Its Benefits

Matcha Tea & Its Benefits

Besides green tea, there is another tea regarded as a part of a healthy diet. Do you want to know about it? Well, it is none other than a Matcha tea. 

It is a type of powdered green tea made by grinding young tea leaves, and the powder is then mixed with hot water. 

Matcha tea is totally different from regular green tea. Drinking regular green tea is like getting fewer nutrients and throwing away more, whereas, drinking matcha allows you to take all the nutrients from the entire leaf. 
Do you want to know more about this amazing tea? If so, then you are certainly in the right place, as in this article we are going to tell you about matcha tea’s origin as well as its benefits. 
Let’s get started! 

Origin Of Matcha Tea 
It is said that the history of matcha was commenced in the 12th century in Japan by a Japanese Buddhist monk, Eisai. Eisai once went on a study trip to China and brought back some tea seeds from there. He then planted those seeds on the temple grounds in Kyoto. 
Soon they become popular and the Japanese Zen priests started cultivating and preparing powdered green tea. This Japanese traditional way of making tea is what we have known today as matcha. 

Benefits Of Matcha Tea 
Matcha, like other green teas, provide various benefits. Read on to know about them. 
1. May Lower Cholesterol Level Having high cholesterol levels can lead to heart attacks and stroke. Research studies have highlighted that drinking matcha tea helps in lowering bad cholesterol. This is because matcha contains a unique antioxidant known as catechins which helps with LDL (bad) cholesterol. 

2. May Lower Blood Pressure High blood pressure can lead to disability and even heart attack. Matcha tea is known to lower high blood pressure as it contains an antioxidant called polyphenols, which can protect against blood pressure. Thus, drinking matcha tea can help you keep your blood pressure in a reasonable range. 

3. May Help You Lose Weight This is another amazing benefit of matcha tea. Some studies show that taking green tea helps you in reducing and maintaining your weight, and matcha comes from the same plant. Thus, it’ll have the same effects. Drinking matcha tea will boost your metabolism, and thus it will lead to weight loss. 

4. Enhance Brain Function Matcha contains caffeine and according to a study consuming caffeine can boost attention, memory, and brain functions. Matcha also contains a unique amino acid, L-theanine, which is known for reducing stress and helps in increasing alertness and improving brain function. 

5. May Improve Heart Health Heart disease is one of the most dangerous diseases, as it can cause sudden death. But you need not worry as matcha tea may improve your heart’s health. There are various studies that show drinking green tea or matcha tea is linked with a low risk of stroke or heart disease. Thus, to keep your heart healthy, you should drink matcha tea. 

The Bottom Line 
There is no doubt that a daily intake of matcha tea can help you prevent various diseases. It will not only make you alert and focus but also offers several other health benefits. Do you want to drink a delicious cup of tea? Don’t hesitate, and order at to enjoy a great cup of matcha tea! 
